The shipping and receiving functions make up the essence of Supply Chain Management — an important topic in today's lean business environment. Shipping product is necessary to remain in business. If you can't ship your products, you can't get paid. The receiving function streamlines your procedures to ensure that the right products are received, sorted and processed properly. When all of these functions work together, they produce cost- and labor-savings that directly affect your company's bottom line. Managing the supply chain effectively allows companies an advantage over their competitors. The shipping and receiving function includes many activities that require different label/ribbon combinations. For short term shipping labels, Barcode Solutions Limited recommends a simple and cost-effective direct thermal label stock. For permanent or longer-term labels, coated or uncoated thermal transfer labels with a wax ribbon should be used instead. Finally, for label shrink-wrap and outdoor products, Barcode Solutions Limited recommends a polyethylene label with a wax ribbon. All of these labels should be printed using a Barcode Solutions Limited I-Class printer. The Barcode Solutions Limited I-Class printer line features heavy-duty printers with a variety of configurations to be customized to your particular application. Most options are field installable, and the entire printer line features a shared menu that only has to be learned once by printer operators. Let Barcode Solutions Limited Class printers provide your facility with the same world-class quality and durability for your shipping and receiving requirements. Barcode Solutions Limited Class printers are compatible with many shipping/receiving software modules. All of these benefits are available to you at a price far below the value that Barcode Solutions Limited Class printers and Barcode Solutions Limited supplies provide to your shipping and receiving application.